Dame Luthas
6 min readFeb 7, 2021


Source: https://thelifestrategist.wordpress.com/2021/02/07/dear-universe/

Please accept this letter from my heart to your ears. During a meeting with a former Neurologist (Ph.D.) turned digital technology guru — I asked

What is your philological opinion on human ‘dichotomous’ or ‘trichotomous’ personalities?

Here is a summary of his response…

“There are multiple aspects of a personality right, a lot of them are context-specific. For example… Your roles in your life — ‘Brother, Father, Son, Manager, Coworker, Entrepreneur, Husband, Friend, Mentor’. Based on the activity — hanging out with friends, watching the game, BBQ’n, spiritual worship, shopping, playing games online, decompressing at the bar, smoking a cigar at an affluent location, watching TV or YouTube videos with your Wife. Your influencers — genome, home upbringing, local culture, depending on your era — access to information (educators, media, music). Now consider your experiences — places you visited, and people you met. Finally, the last piece to the puzzle.. conscious and unconscious traumatic experiences. You’re going to exhibit different aspects, sometimes completely different aspects of your personality depending upon the context. Does that mean you are dichotomous, have some type of multiple personality disorder? No.”

The line between being a provider, doing my due diligence as a provider, my passion to change the world, and joining an amazing global organization whose vision is aligned with mine. Being a spiritual person, someone who my departed family and friends — Nasir ‘Son’, Grandparents, Aunt Dottie, Father, Uncles, and Smove ‘close childhood friend’ will be proud of.

Note: After writing the first 3 bullet points I caught myself focusing on polishing my thoughts before writing. Therefore — I decided to dictate the rest of this letter.

My overall mission in life requires a complete picture to allow transparency and visibility into character, values, and principles. When the time comes, I want to die empty and this requires self-reflection and behavior adjustments. The goal is to satisfy your vision for me — at this point in my life.

I’ve continued to learn, research, and develop, retaining every bit of information, to share with and empower others. However, I have not done so because of time spent establishing ‘Luthas Center for Excellence’, and providing industry expertise to nonprofits and local businesses affected during COVID-19.

However, one of the principles I teach, and practice entails ‘start where you are now’. No dependencies on obtaining anything external, start right now, with what we have. In doing so, attracting the resources, people, and guidance required to achieve your overall mission in life. Versus, my current situation — seeking partnerships with a particular global organization, attending regular meetings, mastering their offerings, services, solutions, and products, understanding their organizational roadmap, as it relates to their vision for empowering others. I have decided to build my brand, and internalize my energy for the Luthas Center. Therefore, starting where I am now — attracting what is meant for me.

This means, being fully present, conscious of my emotions, thoughts, and completing the cipher with intentional actions. I pay attention to the ‘little things’ when I wake up — everything from the song in my head to the takeaways from last nights’ dream to my morning routine adherence. Followed by quiet time to reconnect with my purpose and goals. Once my soul inventory is complete, my vision and roadmap become clearer.

My values and principles enable me to document, save and organize everything I learn — constantly answering “What have I learned from this?” and how can I add value to someone else by sharing it? This process includes a variety of techniques — from saving URLs to Pocket, RSS feeds to Feedly, creating notes from an endless stream of daily reading, etc., I have at least 50 posts, between WordPress, LinkedIn, and Social Media which are still in draft mode. My internal checks and balances framework helps me stay focused and locked in on achieving a specific goal.

Unfortunately, I feel this checks and balances system is preventing me from doing what I truly enjoy, and that is providing continuous genuine adding value to others. Providing transparency into all of the various different lessons learned on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis. In the last 14 or 15 months, I have learned more about myself and life — than I have in a decade — it has been quite a journey and I saved tons of information, lessons learned, business concepts, solutions, life projects, and life strategies, via voice and written notes — across Otter and OneNote, draft articles on social media sites, Microsoft to-do tasks. Actually, one of my favorite new products along this journey is Workona. I’ll dive into that in another post, along with the other helpful products.

The bottleneck is not content, will, or intent. The bottleneck is in the prioritization of my values. Providing polished content should not prevent me from sharing valuable information with you. In my professional career, I value presenting information in a delectable manner, and this standard crossed over into information associated with my life’s mission.

However, I found a tool, Sendible which allows me to effectively automate, schedule, and share information across every platform — without needing to get on social media. I fought really hard at a point to stay off of social media — it takes away from me doing other things more closely aligned to my mission and goal in life… in addition to really enjoying life and living a full life. A lot of that probably has to do with — the challenges I faced and I was blessed enough to get through

As some of you know, I have had made a pretty big splash across different industries in different areas of my life in various cultures. I don’t want anyone to think they’re I’ve abandoned them, or, whatever false pretenses against me because I’m in a different phase in my life now. So the question is, how do I address all of these various interests and audiences.

Who and what I am is an accumulation of experiences. The guy from Brooklyn, who loved to hang out, throw large events, and ride motorcycles. and party with his friends. Then you have the guy who went to church for bible study on Tuesdays and attended church every Sunday. Then you have the mentor, the person who dedicated themselves to helping others after work daily for four or five hours in the confines of my home, listening to their challenges, and define a roadmap to overcome those challenges and to reach their goals. Then you have the person who likes nice things, enjoys opulence, luxury, and all that entails. You have the father who really cares about the overall success of his children, and doesn’t spend quite enough time making sure that they know that… giving them insight into what is on my mind, and the challenges that I see so that they can ultimately pick and choose which information will be helpful to them as they go through their own journeys in life dealing with some of the battles, and some of the challenges that they have genetically inherited from me.

You have the nerd, who must have the newest tech, gadgets, games, TVs, monitors, and audio systems. I embrace technology from a personal, professional, and social view. I understand, its importance and value in helping people and organizations maximize their potential.

You have the author the person who loves to write, who’s always been told to write books. I have tons of excerpts and content, a few terabytes worth. That is a big part of what I have been doing lately, organizing all of this data, not only organizing the data but learning how to polish it using Microsoft’s Power Platform and Adobe products. Ultimately, I want to automate a solution where there is a steady flow of valuable genuine information, being systematically distributed. Process, Automation, Delivery. Efficiency.

I have various websites, many of whom are under construction because of a false need to segregate information. I want to be able to share with my family, friends, and colleagues — hopefully attracting the people on resources needed to help empower others.

Stop Dictation


